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In Search Of Conservation Photography

Conservation Photography

Are you using technology in green or environmental engineering?  I’m in search of a conservation photography project.  I’ll help document and publicize your project.  How can I help you?  Email [email protected].

In honor of Earth Week, I’m letting you in on my crazy idea.  As many of you know, I have a day job working in software, and I’m honored to work for a company that has “improve everyday life” in its mission statement.  I think most of us go through life just wanting to know that we’re making a difference somehow.  I try to make a difference at work.  I try to make a difference in the lives of my friends and family.

One of my goals for this year is to take on at least one conservation photography project.  I want to tell a story in photos and words that show the beauty of something you are trying to save.  A conservation photography project is more than just photos.  It’s the story around it.  It’s what we’re trying to save, and why and how we’re trying to save it.  It’s about the threats, and why those threats exist.  And as Cristina Mittermeier reminds us in her article, What is Conservation Photography? , it’s about what you do with the story afterwards.  I want to work on a conservation photography project that will make a difference.

The ideal project would be one that uses National Instruments products somehow, but I’m open to anything.  No, I don’t know how all of this is going to work out–that’s the crazy part, and through Twitter (, Facebook, and this blog, I plan to take you along for the ride.

Please spread the word–retweet this, post a link, email your friends who might have some ideas.  And email [email protected] with your thoughts.  Thanks!



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