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Posts tagged ‘dolphin’

Wildlife Photography in Rockport, Texas

An old friend of mine, Joe Des Rosier, runs the Blue Lagoon Lodge, down in Rockport, Texas. He invited me down to visit with thoughts of putting together wildlife photography tours, to add to his already popular fly-fishing tours. I had 24 hours to scout out a few possibilities. We ran into some challenges and learned a lot, but overall, it was a great trip.

The Texas coast is well known as a birding destination, and is home to the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge was set aside in 1937 to protect the marshlands favored by migratory birds and other wildlife. In 1938, there was only one migratory flock of whooping cranes with fifteen birds. Today, there are over 500 whooping cranes that winter in the Aransas Bay area.

While whooping cranes were high on my priority list, I was eager to see other large birds, and any other wildlife that presented itself. After settling in at the lodge, we hopped on the boat and set out. The very first photo I took was of this Great Blue Heron, only a few hundred yards from the lodge.

Click on any image to enlarge.

Great Blue Heron

We saw heron in several other locations, as well.

Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron

We also saw a few sandhill cranes, with which I am familiar from my many trips to the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. I’m pretty sure the bird below is a juvenile Sandhill Crane. Any bird experts want to confirm or correct? Do so in the comments below.

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Hawaii, Day Seven

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow, I’ll have been here a week already.  On the day after tomorrow, I will start home.

I have several images I want to show you, and I was also struggling with which inspiring word to use for today’s post.  I finally chose two images to fit with the word “power”.

This morning, we went on a boat tour with Lava Ocean Adventures along the southern coast of the Big Island.  There’s no lava flowing into the ocean right now, so I don’t have any dramatic photos of that.

I did manage to get this photo of a dolphin who swam near our boat for a few minutes.  Seeing this image, I am reminded of the word “power”.


Most of the rest of our day was spent in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.  We ended the day at the Jaggar Museum overlook, photographing the inner caldera and the glow of the hot lava in the steam clouds.  This image also reminds me of “power”.  The lava here stays in the caldera, and does not flow out to the ocean.


More adventures tomorrow.  See you then.