Hawaii, Day Seven

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow, I’ll have been here a week already. On the day after tomorrow, I will start home.
I have several images I want to show you, and I was also struggling with which inspiring word to use for today’s post. I finally chose two images to fit with the word “power”.
This morning, we went on a boat tour with Lava Ocean Adventures along the southern coast of the Big Island. There’s no lava flowing into the ocean right now, so I don’t have any dramatic photos of that.
I did manage to get this photo of a dolphin who swam near our boat for a few minutes. Seeing this image, I am reminded of the word “power”.
Most of the rest of our day was spent in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. We ended the day at the Jaggar Museum overlook, photographing the inner caldera and the glow of the hot lava in the steam clouds. This image also reminds me of “power”. The lava here stays in the caldera, and does not flow out to the ocean.
More adventures tomorrow. See you then.
And on the dolphin pic I see “joy” (and all of the other words too). He looks like he’s smiling. Great to follow the pics!