Bosque 2012, Day 3

I got up half an hour earlier today to try to get a decent spot to set up my tripod and camera just south of the “flight deck” area at Bosque. It was still crowded with dozens of photographers, just like the day before. I’m not complaining, mind you; just remarking. I think it’s wonderful that (1) some great pro photographers are making money holding workshops, (2) Bosque is making money through the entrance fees, and (3) people are excited enough about bird photography and the refuge to visit and spend time there.
The sunrise colors weren’t that spectacular today; I’ve seen much better. So, I decided to try for something different. There were a bunch (tens of thousands) of snow geese in the water, and I knew that sooner or later they’d all blast off. I envisioned a shot similar to one I’d done before with a relatively slow shutter speed, to blur the birds taking off. I switched to a shorter (80-200) lens, and waited. And waited. Finally, the birds went, and I started clicking the shutter.
Here’s one of the photos, using a shutter speed of 1/3 second. I really like how the birds in the foreground are relatively still while the birds in back are taking off. By the end of the sequence of photos (not shown here), there are no birds left in view.
This is an interesting effect. I like your stories about being intentional and deliberate in your shot selection.